House Groups are a modern successor to the former Methodist "Fellowship Class": a means of enabling small groups of people connected to the Methodist family who would like to discuss their faith with others who wish to do the same. Usually this is effected by following a guided course of bible readings or sharing a book about the Christian and/or other Faiths or discussing a topical issue. Each group has a leader/contact to facilitate the organisation of the group but all members are encouraged to share in the task of leading meetings.
Mostly the meetings take place in a member's own home; for some groups always the same one and for others moving around the homes of members of the group. For geographical convenience a group might meet on church premises. Below is a list of the current House Groups for our church. If you would like to join a group but do not know who is the leader please contact the Minister.
Name Normal Time of Meeting
Priory Road 2nd Monday in the month, 2.30 pm
Link 2nd or 3rd Thursday in the month, 7 pm
Fruitlands 4th Wednesday in the month, 7.30 pm
Imperial Selected Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 pm
New Group Enquire for details (see number above)