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Christmas Angels Project

Do you enjoy knitting or crochet?

 Would you like to join us in this activity? During Covid-19 lockdown people are knitting at home. If you are interested please contact Jenny Bull.

Did you see the white knitted angels last year that appeared in and around Malvern early in the morning a few days before Christmas?

If so, you will know that each angel had a label tied to it with a Christmas message, and the invitation to ‘take me home’.

At Christmas 2018 around 1300 angels were distributed in Malvern and Barnards Green: practically are taken by lunchtime. As so many folk are disappointed not to have found an angel, we aim to make yet more next year.

The aim of the project is to share God’s love at Christmas and bless the community.  The project is gaining momentum and is now carried out in several towns in Britain, see

This activity is now part of  a new group formed at Landsdowne Crescent MC called the Charity Knits Group.  If you enjoy knitting or crochet and would like to join the group see the details here. 

In normal times, come along to the Welcome Room on a Friday from 2.00-4.00 pm, where there will be some of us together with friends meeting to knit and crochet the angels.  Wool and the simple angel pattern will be provided. All are welcome.

If you would like more information, please contact Jenny Bull.

From bundles of wool to angels. Would you like to join the happy group?

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